Invitation annual meeting

Welcome to the first annual meeting for members of Finansförbundet at Klarna, 14th of February 12.00-01.00 pm. The meeting is is adjourned and will continue Thursday 22th of February 12.00-01.00 pm.

The annual meeting will continue digitally via Teams in English. Everyone on the meeting voting list can access all information about the conducted elections in VoteIT (you log in with BankId) and the upcoming elections we didn’t have time for February14th.

Meeting link February 22th 

What happens next? 

  • The meeting already has made a decision on the key matter about forming a local union and that the board (committee) will consist of eight members. The board will work together for and represent all Finansförbundets members. The board will need to work together as a team and will if needed get help and support from Finansförbundet's central orga­ni­za­tion 
  • When we continue the meeting next week you will first vote and decide on whether to accept the nomination committee’s proposal of members to the board. Remember it's not an election about voting people out. It’s about voting people in to the board.  
  • We would like to ask you to please respect the meeting order and continue the discussions when we continue the meeting, not in internal communication channels. And please keep a good tone to one another. 

Q&A from February 14th

How did the nomination committee come up with the proposal for the board?
All members at Klara first received information via email about nomination to the board 18th of January and again January 25th. The proposals are based on the nominations the committee received.  

The proposal was presented for all members 31th of January via the invitation to the annual meeting. The committee received one nomination for chairman that was presented here. The official nomination stop to the board was 7th of February.  

The committee received an other proposal to chairman during the period 1th to 7th of February. This person was already nominated to the board and therefore part of the nomination committees presented proposal to the board. 

Can I send in new nominees to the board and chairman now?
No. The annual meeting must first have an election and say yes or no to the committees proposal. If the meeting say yes to the proposal about the board, it will consist of the nominated eight people and an election about chairman comes next. The chairman will then be one of these eight people. 

If the annual meeting says no to the proposal about these eight people to the board a new nominations round will start and the meeting adjourn again. 

How does the voting work in the annual meeting?
All elections in the annual meeting are held via VoteIT, only members of Finansförbundet are entitled to vote. The voting is anonymous and you can see the outcome of the elections in VoteIT. 

  • Opening of the meeting and determination of the voting list - approved proposal
  • Question regarding if the members received the invention in time 
  • - approved proposal
  • Election of chair and secretary of the meeting - approved proposal (Daniel Wallmark as chair and Izabella Falck as secretary)
  • Election of two members to adjust the protocol together with the chair - approved proposal (Paulina Rehbinder and Justyna Kaletka)
  • Decision to form a local Finansförbundet union club at Klarna Bank AB - approved proposal
  • Decision to adopt local union statutes - approved proposal
  • Determining the number of local union board members and deputies - approved proposal (8 members)

---- The meeting will continue February 22th with the following items

  • Election of chair of the local union for 1 year
  • Election of at least three board members for 1 year
  • Election of auditors and deputy auditors for 1 year
  • Election of the election committee for 1 year
  • Closing of the meeting

Download pdf

The nomination committee’s propsal for
Finansförbundet local union at Klarna Bank AB

On 1 year

  • Jon Artur Holte - Chairman 
  • Svante Hansson
  • Sara Bäck
  • Sara Yonadam
  • Erik Boender
  • Jens Karlsson
  • Alexandra Svedberg
  • Florian Benedict

Download pdf

If you want to send new nominations, other than the nomination committee's proposal, the deadline is the 7th of February.

Send nominees to

At the moment our central statutes in full are only available in Swedish.

Finansförbundets satutes are now available in English.

Download (in English) pdf

Download (in Swedish) pdf

VoteIT is a web tool to help host democratic and participatory meetings online and keeps agenda, discussion, proposals and polls gathered in one place.

When the annual meeting start, log in to VoteIT with BankId.

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